God is like Coca-Cola- He's the real thing
God is like Pan Am - He makes the going great
God is like General Electric - He lights your path
God is like Bayer Aspirin -He works wonders
God is like Tide -He gets out the stains others left behind
God is like Hallmark - He cared enough to send the very best
God is like VO5 Hairspray - He holds through all kinds of weather
God is like Dial Soap - aren't you glad you know Him-don't you wish everyone did?
God is like Sears - He has everything
God is like Alka-Seltzer - Oh, what a relief He is
God is like Scotch Tape - You can't see Him, but you know He's there
God is like McDonalds - He'll do it all for you
God is like American Express - Don't leave home without it (Him!)