To read previous nuggets from this series go to:
The following is a summary of these series of nuggets:
Putting God in a Box
In these nugget we first made it clear that we believe doctrine is important and there are biblical principles to live by. We then discussed the fact that many Christians 'Put God in a box' and that at times this causes unnecessary division among believers. God Almighty is bigger than any box that we can put him in.
Agree to Disagree
Richard Baxter, a puritan, said, "In necessary things, unity; in doubtful things, liberty; in all things, charity." We listed some of the essential doctrine that we as Christians believe are necessary to believe in as a follower of Jesus Christ. We then discussed the fact that there are some topics in scripture that, for whatever the reason, the Lord did not make perfectly clear and that sincere Christians could come up with different interpretations.
I am sure that with this nugget some were upset that I listed one of their favorite doctrines as nonessential. What I mean by nonessential is that your interpretation of certain scriptures has nothing to do with salvation or being able to have fellowship with other Christians.
Who Can Be Used By God
This is another nugget that may have caused some to be unhappy with the nugget. Ultimately in this nugget we were saying that a person may not be as 'perfect' as we would like them to be and yet God can use them. Our measuring stick of 'perfect' may be based upon the nonessential doctrine they believe, and/or how holy the person is.
So what was the reason for these nuggets on "How Big Is Your God?"
We believe the number one desire of our Heavenly Father is that every Christian share the gospel of Jesus Christ. And whenever it is possible, we should join hands with other Christians to have a greater impact in our community. We should not have a 'Small God' concept that limits our witness as Christians. We should not let nonessential doctrine interfere with us sharing the gospel. We should let nonessential doctrine cause division in the Body of Christ. If there is not love and acceptance among Christians, why would a lost person want to become a Christian?
In the next series of nuggets we are going to discuss the Importance of Doctrine. We will then cover the topic of Sharing the Gospel.