In His Steps Ministries

Christian Books

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When you order from Amazon, you are giving money to an organization that is not Christian and promotes books and ideologies that are against Christianity. Yes, in a free enterprise society they have right to be in business, but if there are Christian alternatives, why not use them.

As time permits, we will add links of books that we have recommended. Again, to insure that "In His Steps Ministries" receives credit for your order, please click on the logo or click on the links that we have created.

Christian Books

Chasing God, Serving Man
Whatever Happened to the Power of God
Fresh Encounter: Experiencing God in Revival & Spiritual Awakening
The Transformation of the Inner Man
Fresh Faith
New Testament, Intervarsity Press Bible Background Commentary
The Five Love Languages
When God Doesn't Make Sense
 The Beauty of Spiritual Language
The Twelve Steps: A Spiritual Journey, Revised
NLT Life Recovery Bible, Hardcover

Apologetic Books
Evidence That Demands a Verdict, Volume 1
The New Evidence That Demands a Verdict
More Than a Carpenter
More Than a Carpenter - Audiobook
The Historical Jesus: Ancient Evidence for the Life of Christ
Creation Facts of Life Darwin on Trial
Skeptics Answered
Many Infallible Proofs