![THE KEY to the Heart of God and the Supernatural](images/keyjesus.gif)
To The Heart Of God
To The Supernatural
You can be Set Free
Are you struggling with addictions? Maybe you are addicted to drugs,
alcohol, food, pornography, money, or any other item. Are you bound up with
destructive behaviors? The Lord Jesus Christ can
set you free. There is absolutely nothing in your life that you cannot be set
free from if you allow the Holy Spirit of God to take control of your life.
Some of you may have demonic oppression in
your life. You know that there are demons you have allowed to take control of
your life. You can be set free! There is a name above all names and that Name is
the Lord Jesus Christ. He can set you free!
Maybe you do not have any addictions or think
you have destructive behaviors. Maybe
you believe you are living a moral life. Maybe you think you are better than
most people. If so, you need to be set free from pride and depending upon your
good works. Your good works and moral life will not get you into heaven. The only
means to heaven is through relationship with Jesus Christ.
So the
to being Set Free is JESUS CHRIST-THE SON OF GOD.
To find out more, go to The Seekers Page of
this website. There will be answers to any questions you may have. And you will learn how
to receive Christ in your life so that you may experience His peace and love regardless of
what you may be going through right now in your life. You may experience the Heart of God.
Also check out Alpha Course.
Heart of God
Our Heavenly Father loves all of His children. No matter what you have done, are doing,
will be doing, Almighty God loves you. It is His desire to share His love with you and to
bless you abundantly. Circumstances may tell you otherwise, but you can live beyond your
circumstances. The Father loves you so much that He has provided a way for you to not be
bound in the destructive power of sin. You can be set free.
Are you trying to find 'the creator' of your life? Why not meet Your
Creator? He is loving, kind, and just. This world can be a mean place to live.
Life is very harsh at times. And life seems very unfair for many of us. That is why Your
Creator found a way to show His love for you.
Don't look at the created things to find peace and love. Alcohol,
drugs, sex, religion, and not even friends can give a peace that is beyond belief. Do you
feel unloved? Then meet the Lover of Your Soul-Your Creator.
There is a to
the Heart of God. That is
JESUS CHRIST-THE SON OF GOD. Because Adam and Eve sinned, there needed to be a perfect
sacrifice (a price to pay). To show His love for YOU, your Heavenly Father, had His
perfect Son nailed on a cross. Jesus willing gave His life for YOU. This is the GOOD NEWS.
Many loving people have died. But they had sin in their life so they could not be the
perfect sacrifice. And none of them rose from the grave. Jesus was not only perfect, He
conquered death. JESUS rose from the grave and He is with your Heavenly Father and prays
for you. The GOOD NEWS is that you can have Christ living in and through you to give you
victory over sin and to have eternal life.
To find out more, go to The Seekers Page of
this website. There will be answers to any questions you may have. And you will learn how
to receive Christ in your life so that you may experience His peace and love regardless of
what you may be going through right now in your life. You may experience the Heart of God.
Also check out Alpha Course.
Are you seeking the supernatural? Are you wanting more than what this life has to
offer? Are you involved with Satanism, new age, crystals, Wicca, spiritism, worshipping
created things, or man made religion? Are you deriving some kind of power from these
things? Maybe so. But now it is time to be blunt and honest with yourself. Do you find
true peace, love, and joy from these things? Do you find fulfillment in your soul? After
doing your spiritual or supernatural 'thing' do you feel better about yourself, people,
and Your Creator?
Do you want to experience the true supernatural? Are you tired of the fake? Why not go to
the true source of the supernatural. Why not go to the Creator of the fourth dimension?
And not for the purpose of power and control. Experience the supernatural so that
you may have Eternal Life and be able to help others to have Eternal Life. Your Heavenly
Father is a God of miracles. He can miraculously heal, deliver, and set you free. And you
can even operate in His power by the anointing of His Holy Spirit. However, the greatest
manifestation of the supernatural is the transforming power of a sin filled person
becoming a follower of Jesus Christ and living a life of victory over sin.
So what is THE
to the supernatural? You got it-JESUS CHRIST! To find out more, go to The Seekers Page of this website. Have a New
Beginning and Experience the Supernatural by receiving Jesus Christ as your
Lord and Savior. Also check out Alpha Course.
Do you need set free
from Alcohol, Drugs, Illicit Sex?
Do you need deliverance
from demonic control?
How about having a
supernatural encounter with your Creator?
Do you want more joy, peace, love, and self control in your life?
How about a life beyond where there will be no more sickness, sorrow, loneliness, or
You can experience
the love of God and have eternal life.
JESUS is The Key to
Eternal Life
Have a New Beginning and Experience the Supernatural by receiving Jesus
Christ as your Lord and Savior
...Simply believe He died and took your sins on the cross.
...Pray and ask Jesus to come into your life and be your Lord.
...Repent and determine not to walk in your former ways.*
...Follow God's Word, the Bible, and live by its principles.
...Become friends with others who have made this commitment.
They are called Christians.
*Accept Christ in your life before you try to change. The change will come from
His grace and power, not yours. |
Learn How To Walk
CALL Toll-Free:
1-866-447-7837 |
He Is The
Key To The Kingdom-mpg audio
Country Gospel Song by Lawnie Kay
e-mail if you would not to order
a CD of her music.
Hill For Jesus-Capitol Hill ministry
In His Steps Ministries
P.O. Box 12092
Seattle, WA 98102
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