Prayer Guide
Our Daily Love WaIk
(Prayer & Commitment)
I. Seek the Presence of God
(With Praise as the AM Sacrifice)
a. Greet Father Early (Pr. 8:17, Mk 1:35) with
adoration, honor & reverence (Mt. 6:9).
b. Stand & thank Him with praises, shouts,
singing extended arms (I Chron 23:30).
2. Putting Off, Repent & Repudiate the Works of
(Ro 13:12) The Old Man
(Eph 4:22, Mk7:22, Co1.3:8) Pride, anger, wrath,
malice, blasphemy, filthy words, lies, fornication, impurity, homosexuality,
evil desires, coveting anything.
3. Wash yourself by having a “Spiritual Shower.”
a. By
the Blood of the Lamb (Rev. 1:5 KJV).
b. By
Water through His Word (Ezek 36:25, Eph. 5:26).
c. By
the Holy Spirit (sanctified) made holy (Ro. 15:16).
4. The New Anointing for Cleansing
(Lev. 14:23-29)
a. Juice
(Apply to the right ear lobe, thumb, toe).
b. Oil
of Joy {put oil as above, & also 7 times on ground & head (Is 61:3)}.
5. Putting On the New Man
Christ, as a joint mature heir in Jesus (Gal 3:27-4:7).
Jesus’ Attitude, Righteousness, Holiness (Eph. 4:23, 24).
Compassion, Kindness, Humility, Gentleness, Patience, Bearing with, Forgiving
each other, above all LOVE (Col. 3:10-17).
d. Covet that the Fruit
of the Spirit
(Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness,
Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self-Control, Gal
5:22f) be released through me today (I Cor. 14:1).
e. Covet that the Gifts
of the Spirit
(Word of Knowledge, Word of Wisdom, Discerning of Spirits, Tongues,
Interpretation of Tongues, Prophecy, Faith, Healing, Working of Miracles I
Cor.12) fully operate through me today.
6. Putting On the New Garments
Washed in the Blood (Rev. 7:14).
b. Clean
(Rev. 19:14) & Good Smelling (Ps 45:8).
Strength & Beauty & Glory (Ex. 28:2, Is. 52:1).
Salvation & Righteousness (robe of) (Is. 61:10).
Vengeance & Zeal (cloak of) (Is. 59:17).Humility (I Peter 5:5)
Praise (Is. 61:3), Wedding Garments (Mt. 22:11f; Rev. 16:15).
7. Putting On All the Armor of God & Light
(Eph 6: 11-17, Ro 13:12)
Belt of Truth, Breastplate of Righteousness,
Shoes of Gospel of Peace, Shield of Faith,
Helmet of Salvation, Sword of the Spirit,
Necklace of Mercy & Truth (Pr 3:3, Ex. 34:6).
8. Our Daily Prayers
(Eph. 6:18-20)
Prayers of Intercession for those He has given you by name (Your Pray List).
Stand in the Gap for them (Eze. 13 & 22,
Eph. 6:18, I Tim 5:5).
Ask God forgive them of their sins (Lk
23:34, Acts 7:60, Ex. 32: 9-14).
May they repent for their sins as I
intercede for them (Eze.22:29-30, Neh.1:3-11).
I Plead for mercy on them God, for their
sins (Ex 32:11-13, Deut. 9:26-29).
Claim hedges of protection around them
(Eze.13 & 22, Job. 1:10, Hosea 2:6&7).
Putting up Shields (Ps 5:12, Pr 30:5) &
Bucklers around them (Ps 91:4).
Repair walls, restore path, rebuild
foundations in their lives (Is. 58:12).
Put walls of fire around these dear ones,
Lord (Zech. 2:5).
Surround with You Lord (Ps. 5:12, 125:2)
& Surround with Angels (Ps. 34:7).
Protect from the Evil One (John 17: 15) &
Cover with the Lamb’s Blood (Rev. 12:11).
Release them to walk in all of the Fruit
of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22-23).
Release them to minister in all the Gifts
of the Spirit (I Cor. 12:4-11).
Release them to do all the “Greater
Works” of God (John 14:12).
Bind the Enemy from attacking them
(Mk. 3:27, Eph. 2:2, 1 Cor. 2:12, 2 Cor. 4:4).
That they choose to please God rather
than man (Jer 1:8,17, Gal 1:10).
Father in Jesus’ Name, I bind every (name
discerned spirits) poverty, rebellion, fear, animism, hedonism, homosexuality,
witchcraft, sexual perversion, Jezebel & religious spirits, demon, devil,
principality, power, every ruler of darkness, of wickedness, every prince &
power of the air & every strong man around insert appropriate area with
the same kind of chains that will bind Satan 1000 yrs.
1. “I
blind their eyes so they cannot see to do evil as was done in Sodom (Gen 19:11).
2. ’‘I
mute their mouths as the Angel Gabriel did to Zacharias (Luke 1:18-20), so they
cannot speak, to do or cause any evil today.”
3. ‘‘I
bind confusion to their minds so they cannot think to do evil today was done for
David to Ahithophel in Ps 35:40.”
“I bind the fear of the Lord to their hearts so they do not desire to do any
evil and Father let them run in terror from the Christ in me today (Ex. 23:27,
Dt. 2:25, 7:16, 7:20, 11:25).
5. ‘‘I
bind their hands & feet with chains & fetters as promised in Ps. 149:7, 8.”
I shall remember that there is no fear or
torment when I am in Jesus (I John 4:18), because greater is He that is in me
than he that is in the world (I John 4:4).
“No weapon that is formed against me
shall prevail & I will refute every tongue that accuses me. This is my heritage
as a servant of the Lord & my vindication from God (Is 54:17)
I pray for our daily needs (Mt. 6:11)
& petition for specific needs of the Church [Prayer
Ministry, Pastor, Youth Ministry, Church School,
Clothing Bank, Bread Pantry, AA, Church Growth, Missions, Administration,
Please release to the Church & me to do
Your signs & wonders (Heb 2:4)
Please release to the Church & me the
same anointing you gave to: Gideon, Elijah, Isaiah, Elisha, Ezekiel, Jeremiah,
Josiah, Joseph, David, Paul, Peter, John, Moses, Joshua, Hezekiah, Hosea, Luke,
Dan, John G. Lake, Maria Woodworth-Etter, Smith Wigglesworth, Kathryn Kuhlman,
Charles Price, AA Allen.
Please release to my family, home,
Church, possessions, ministering angels to work.
I make a commitment
with my eyes, ears, nose, lips, tongue
and mind not to be used for
evil, but to think on good things -(Phil 4:8) .
“May not a single moment of my life be spent outside the light love & joy of
your presence Lord. Not a moment without the entire surrender of myself as a
vessel for You to fill full of Your Spirit & love (Andrew Murray).”
11. All Throughout the Day Pray
continually (1Thess :17, Eph 6:18) Rejoice always (I Thess. 5:16). Give thanks in
everything (1Thess. 5:18) Praise & Worship Him continually (Ps 34:1; 71:8,
12. Read the Bible Daily
by reading plan. Expect God to speak
directly to you through His
words [written(logos) - uttered (rhema)]. (Man
doesn’t live by bread only)“..but by every
word (rhema) that proceeds from the mouth of God
(Mt 4:4, Dt 8:3)
13. At day’s end
Examine your heart before the Lord
(Ps.139:23 & 24).
Confess & repent of any sin to another believer (Js 5:16) before they say to
you, “According to God’s Word you are forgiven,” (l Jn. 1:9).
b. Do
not go to bed with any anger in your heart (Eph. 4:26)
c. Bring
the PM sacrifice of “Thanksgiving,” Daily give Him ALL the honor & glory.
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Guideline in Adobe Format prayer.pdf