
I Can Do It, I Will Do It

There are many things I cannot do since my motorcycle crash because of physical limitation or the intense pain associated with the activity.

I must always remind myself of things that I can do. Some have become very important to me and I do them even if pain is associated with the activity.

Physical Tasks
Write and encourage others. Serve in non-physical tasks. I love to cook and bake things for myself and others. I love to swim, it helps relieve some pain. Sometimes I can kayak. I can take care of my pet turtle.

Encourage Others
This has become very important to me. This was not very important to me before my motorcycle crash. Or I should say ‘I was not very empathetic before my accident.’ Serve in non-physical tasks. I can make a difference in peoples lives with a smile, kind gesture or words. 

Help At My Church
There are a variety of projects that are not labor intensive) I can do from my home and during church that do not require much physical work.

Grow Spiritually
Spend time in the Word or in prayer and worship.

Mentally and emotionally this was certainly one of the hardest things for me to do before my accident. But by the grace of God this has become one of things I am most able to do.