Moving Beyond Your Past Every nation, culture, people group, and individual has a tainted past. Some things we are embarrassed of.
We can admit it, accept it occurred, learn something from it, do something about it. Then move on. Dwelling on it or ignoring it is not the answer.
Some pretend the past did not happen by denying it, some lessen it, some never learn from it, thus never doing anything to correct it. Others are bound up in it and live like victims, allowing the past to affect their life today.
What do you do? You don’t have a tainted past? I challenge you on that. Compare your life to God’s standard and you will see how far short you have been from His will.
Ultimate solution-be healed from the past, forget the past (in regards to dwelling on the past), and move toward God and His will.We are not God. We are incapable of forgetting the past unless we do unhealthy mental gymnastics.
What we can do is ask God to help us to not dwell on the past, help us to not be consumed with the past, and to help us not have a victim hood mentality that only causes us to be consumed by the past. Those consumed by the past become immobile and unable to enter the destiny God has for them.
By His grace we can move beyond the past.
Take Note: God does not hold us accountable for the wounds caused to us by others. But He does hold us accountable for any sinful actions or attitudes we have developed because of the wounding. Our job is to keep our side of the street and then we are capable to love those who are our enemies. The best way to love them is to pray for them to get right with God-to be truly born again.
If you need help being able to Move Beyond Your Past, check out our Moving Beyond Your Past Bible Study Series. You can watch the series, listen to the series, and/or print out the Bible Study Series.