Daily Bible Reading
January 3 Daily Bible Reading
January 3-Daily Bible ReadingInsights: Preacher RichD Each day Preacher RichD shares some of the insights from his Daily Bible Reading. You will notice his insights line up with Scripture, not within the box of a certain denomination. Longevity of Early ManThe Bible does not specifically say why mankind lived over […]
Daily Bible Reading
January 2 Daily Bible Reading
January 2-Daily Bible ReadingInsights: Preacher RichD Each day Preacher RichD shares some of the insights from his Daily Bible Reading. You will notice his insights line up with Scripture, not within the box of a certain denomination. Only Two SexesOnce again Scripture makes it there are only two sexes, male […]
Daily Bible Reading
Jan 1 Daily Bible Reading
January 1-Daily Bible ReadingInsights: Preacher RichD Each day Preacher RichD shares some of the insights from his Daily Bible Reading. You will notice his insights line up with Scripture, not within the box of a certain denomination. Let UsThis is one of many passages that prove the concept of the […]
Spiritual Nuggets
True Conversions-Intro
True Conversions-Part OneIntroductionHow many have you heard the following: “There were thousands that came to Jesus at the crusade in Toronto, Pensacola, Brazil.” “In our church we had revival meetings and over 30 people came to Jesus in two weeks.” “We ministered on the streets of our city and over […]
Moving Beyond Your Past
If you want to have a fruitful future, you have to learn how to move beyond the past.